On December 15, 2018, Emergent announced it had completed an assignment agreement with a third party granting Emergent its rights, held through a binding Letter of Intent (“LOI”) with Greg Exploration Inc. and Affiliates (“Greg”). to acquire up to a 91% interest in the Casa South Property, Quebec (“Casa South” or the “Property”). On March 19, 2019, the Company announced it had obtained Toronto Venture Exchange approval for the transaction. On June 13, 2019, Emergent announced it had amended its Agreement with Greg to acquire a 100% interest in the Property, which was completed on July 17, 2019. At that time, the Property comprised 204 mineral titles covering a total of about 11,400 hectares. On October 26, 2023, Emergent announced it had staked an additional 32 mineral titles at Casa South, expanding the Property to 236 mineral titles totaling about 13,200 ha.
Casa South is located immediately south of and abutting Hecla Mining Corporation’s ("Hecla")(NYSE:HL) Casa Berardi Mine operation. The Casa Berardi Mine has produced over 3.0 million recovered gold ounces since commencing production in 1988 (Source: Technical Report Summary on the Casa Berardi Mine, Northwestern Quebec, Canada, by Respec, Report Date Feb, 15, 2024, Effective Date Dec. 1, 2023). The Property is also directly north of and abutting IAMGOLD Corporation's ("IAMGOLD")(NYSE:IAG) Gemini-Turgeon Property, an early-stage property being explored by IAMGOLD. The location of Casa South adjacent to other mineral properties does not guarantee exploration success at Casa South and no mineral resources or reserves have yet been delineated on the the Property.
Casa South is located inside the northwestern segment of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and is part of the North Volcanic Zone. The Casa Berardi area was previously included in the Harricana-Turgeon Through by fundamental regional geology studies produced by the MERN following the discovery of the Casa Berardi deposit (Lacroix S., et al., 1990). The Abitibi Belt is the most important Greenstone Belt in terms of size and metal content of the Superior Province, which is the Archean core of the Canadian Shield. vThe Belt is transected along the western side by the Kapuskasing uplift and on the eastern and southern side, by the Grenville Front, both extending along a 300 km contact line and representing Proterozoic limits. To the north, volcano-sedimentary sequences are interpenetrated with the Opatica Sub-Province.
The Property encompasses a lithologic context similar to the Cass Berardi deposit. Its exploration history followed the same stages of evolution over a period of time from 1960 to 1990 where exploration focused on sulfide-rich polymetallic deposits similar to the Kidd Creek, Selbaie, or Mattagami deposits discovered in the northern part of the Abitibi belt. Exploration work on the claims was done by companies such as Newmont, Noranda, and Cambior, among others.​
In the early 1980's, geochemical sampling of Quaternary (Wisconsin) age regional glaciation events was recognized as a useful exploration tool to locate buried gold lode deposit targets. RC drilling in glacial till is credited as one of the main exploration tools that led to the discovery of the Casa Berardi Mine. Approximately 43,700 m (206 holes) of historic RC drilling in glacial till was completed in the 1980's and resulted in a useful database for exploration at Casa South.
About 23,990 m (119 holes) of historic core drilling was done on the Casa South Property by a variety of operators over 45 years. Exploration was done for both gold and base metals.
Between 2013 and 2018, GREG completed several geological, structural, and geophysical heliborne surveys on the Property (GM 68531, GM 67505, GM 68805, GM 68804, GM 68803, and GM 70450). They compiled a significant database of information from assessment reports, government reports, and other information from historic exploration that was done on the Property over a number of decades. Note this exploration was done, for the most part, by operators on smaller subsets of claims that make up the current claim package.
The interpretation data obtained from a multi-platform geophysics survey using VLF (Totem), Quadrimag, and Afmag was used by Greg to model the geology and structures on the Property, supported by historical surface sampling and drilling data. The database of information collected and the interpretation of the collective data, along with the recent geophysics surveys conducted by Greg, led to the prioritization of three exploration targets on the Property - the Kama Trend, Central Till Anomaly, and Northwest Magnetic Anomaly. Emergent acquired this database when it acquired the Property from Greg.
In 2019, Emergent completed a NI 43-101 Technical Report entitled NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Casa Sud Property, NTS 32E06/32E11, Northwestern Quebec, Canada, by Demers and Thebeary dated March 8, 2019 (see link below). In 2019, based on the recommendation in this report, Emergent completed a 3,009 m core drilling program at Casa South. Eight holes explored the Kama Trend with anomalous gold intercepts.. The other hole tested a prospect elsewhere on the Property.
On September 1, 2021, Emergent announced the results of a UAV-MAG(TM) survey (the "Mag Survey") carried out on behalf of Emergent by Pioneer Exploration Consultants and Generic Geo over most of the Casa South mineral titles. The Mag Survey included 4,016 km of flight lines and 372 km of tie lines, for a total of 4,388 line-km flown in the survey. Lines were flown at 25 m intervals. Several interesting magnetic anomalies and structural features were identified. Highly magnetic intrusions are readily visible from the survey, along with many areas of magnetic disruption and magnetic lineaments that may be associated with structural and hydrothermal activity.
Preliminary Structural Interpretation of the Casa South Area of Influence, Quebec Canada (the “Interpretation”) was also completed by Geokincern Limited (“Geokincern”). The analysis looked at geology, geophysical data from the Mag Survey, high-resolution topographic data from NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, and satellite imagery. The Interpretation identified structures including folds, faults and shears, dykes, and magnetic fabrics. This was overlain with gold anomalies in glacial till identified from historic RC till drilling conducted on the Property in the 1980’s. Geokincern’s Interpretation identified 20 geophysical exploration targets (G1-G20) on the Property and ranked them for priority. Eight targets were identified associated with coincident soil anomalies and twelve targets associated with structural and aeromagnetic features were identified as secondary and tertiary targets.
On December 8, 2022, Emergent announced results from 10 core holes totaling 2,963 m at Casa South. The holes were drilled in the Kama Trend adjacent to the northern boundary of the Property with Hecla's Casa Berardi Mine. In conjunction with results from the 2019 drilling program, anomalous gold mineralization was found in the seven-kilometer long by two-kilometer wide east-west trending structure paralleling the Casa Berardi Deformation Corridor. Emergent also announced that Mercator Geological Services ("Mercator") had computerized and remodeled historic RC till drilling on the Property and identified 24 soil anomalies for follow-up. Note that soil anomalies aligned with structural anomalies outlined by GeoKincern's 2021 Interpretation.
In 2023, Mercator completed a Prospectivity Mapping Study of the Casa South mineral titles with the goal of prioritizing exploration targets for additional exploration. A model was created to highlight the best targets where favorable structure, lithology, and mineralization occur. Weighted parameters included lithology, structure, primary mineralization, (Au, Ag, Cuin rock, till, and soil sediment samples) and secondary mineralization (As, Ba, Cd, Mo, Ni, PB, S, Sb, Te, W, Zn in rock, till, and soil sediment samples). A total of 14 targets (M1-M14) were identified and priorities for follow-up field exploration.
Based on this Geokincern's and Mercator's analsyes, Emergent staked additional claims on the western boundary of the property where an iron formation was identified with the potential to host gold, base metal, and graphite targets.
Emergent believes the Casa South Property is prospective for both gold and base metal targets, subject to exploration success, and plans to continue exploration on the Property as funding allows. Geokincern's G1-G20 and Mercator's M1-M14 targets have been identified, some of which overlap and only a couple of which have been drilled to date.​
In 2019, Emergent completed an NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Casa South Property (see link below). The Technical Report identified three main exploration targets, the Kama Trend, Central Till Anomaly, and Northwest Magnetic Anomaly. After the completion of the Technical Report, Emergent completed core drilling in the Kama Trend with anomalous gold results. In addition, it has conducted a UAV-MAG drone survey over the majority of the Property, remodeled historic RC drilling in glacial till, done structural analysis, and completed a Prospectivity Analysis to identify and prioritize multiple exploration targets for follow-up.


David Watkinson, P.Eng., a non-independent Qualified Person and employee of Emergent Metals Corp. has reviewed and approved the technical information provided on this webpage. Please review the Disclaimer webpage for additional information.