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The Trecesson Property ("Trecesson" or the "Property") consists of 85 mineral ensures located about 13 km west of the town of Amos, QC, and about 50 km north of the Val d'Or Mining Camp.  On September 27, 2022, Emergent announced it had acquired a 100% interest in the Property from Knick Exploration Inc. ("Knick") through a bankruptcy process.  At that time, the Property consisted of 56 mineral tenures, which Emergent subsequently expanded to its current size of 85 mineral tenures through acquisition and staking. 


Trecesson is located about 10 km to the east of Nion Nickel Inc.'s ("Nion") privately held Dumont Nickel Project (feasibility completed). Nion owns the Dumont Project, its flagship property, through its 100% ownership of Magneto Investments Limited Partnership (“Magneto”). Dumont, 100% owned and operated by Magneto, is one of the largest fully permitted, nickel-sulphide deposits in the world If successfully brought into operation, Dumont is poised to supply nickel for EV batteries through 2050 (source:  Nion press release dated February 6, 2024).  Note that the location of Trecosson near the Dumont Project does not guarantee exploration success, and no mineral resources or reserves have yet been delineated on the Property.


The Property is located in the Abitibi Volcanic Belt of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield.  The Abitibi Belt extends for nearly 550 km in a west-east direction from Timmins, Ontario to Chibougamau, Quebec.  It is host to a variety of precious and base metal deposits including the Timmins, Kirkland Lake, Harker-Holloway, Noranda, Val d’Or, and Chibougamau mining camps.  The Abitibi Volcanic Belt is composed of a complex assemblage of interbedded volcanic and sedimentary rocks, intruded by a variety of ultramafic to felsic intrusives.  The rocks are Archean in age and have been metamorphosed to the greenschist facies.  Numerous Late Precambrian diabase dykes cut the rocks of the belt.  The rock units generally strike west-east, have near vertical dips, and are highly faulted and folded.  Geological interpretation of the Abitibi Belt is complicated by the wide scattering of outcrop exposures in most areas and the complex underlying structural relationships.


The Property covers much of the Trecesson batholith, which is mainly made up of biotite-bearing granite, with a monzonitic phase.  The intermediate to felsic volcanites of the Lac Arthur formation are situated to the north and west of the Trecesson intrusive.  The latter is bordered to the south by the Amos pluton, which is dioritic in composition.  Finally, the southeast part of the Trecesson batholith is cut in a NE-SW direction by a diabase dyke.  All the rocks of the area are metamorphosed to the greenschist facies.  The Trecesson batholith is almost undeformed.  The monzonitic center is poor in quartz.  It is cut by many aplitic dykes and quartz-carbonate veins, some of them gold-bearing.


Mineralization consists of quart-vein gold mineralization associated with brittle-ductile shear zones. Three main areas of mineralization have been identified to date including the North Cossette Target, the South Cossette Target, and the Spirit Lake Target.  


The North Cossette vein system has been traced over a strike length of 300 m and the South Cossette vein system has been traced over a strike length of 175 m to date.  The two systems are separated by a distance of 370 m and additional exploration is required to see if the two systems can be connected.  Generally, the Cossette veins are made up of milky quartz, with a thickness varying from 0.3 to 2 m.  The veins are associated with a chlorite-rich shear zone up to 6 m wide.  Vein orientation varies from 330º for the north part to between due north and 020º  for the south part.  Dip varies from 75º to 80º to the east-northeast.


The first exploration work on the Cossette veins dates back to 1925, by Étoile d’Or Ltd. site.  Subsequent exploration programs were reported from 1946 to 2009 by the following companies: Northcliffe Gold Mines, East Trecesson Gold Mines, Transcona Exploration, Radisson Mining, Armeno Resources, and Carat Exploration.  During this period, geophysical and geological surveys and 54 holes totaling 3,652 m were completed, along with stripping, blasting, and grab and channel sampling.


Work done by Knick in 2011 consisted of drilling 121 short holes totaling 3,457.7 m.  A second drill program, conducted in 2017, consisted of 33 drill holes totaling 3,220.6 m.  This equates to an average hole length of 43.4 m per hole, which is relatively shallow drilling. Drilling focused primarily on two target areas – the North and Cossette South veins with several high-grade intercepts (>19 g.t Au).  Knick completed a Technical Report on the Property (see below) in 2012.


Since acquiring the Property, Emergent focused on re-consolidating the core property package that had been whittled down during the Knick's bankruptcy.  As announced on December 20, 2022, Emergent acquired nine mineral tenures from 9219-8845 Quebec Inc. as well as staking additional claims.  This expansion included acquiring the Spirit Lake Target, drilled by Ressources Miniers Radison Inc. in 1985 with 2,372 m in 21 drill holes with multiple gold intercepts.  Emergent staked additional mineral tenures as strategically located ground became available, consolidating the current land package. 


On April 17, 2023, Emergent announced the results of a 17-hole core drilling program at Trecosson totaling 2,349 m in the North and South Cossette vein systems.  This drilling confirmed the potential for high-grade intercepts similar to those drilled historically by Knick. The most significant intercept was found in hole TR-23-03 where grades averaged 19.96 g/t Au and 5.13 g/t Ag over 1.1 m in length (see April 17, 2023 press release for details).  This value corresponded to one of the intersections where visible gold was logged by geologists, as announced by the Company in a January 31, 2023, press release. 


In 2023, Emergent retained Mercator Geologic Services ("Mercator") to complete a Prospectivity Mapping Study of the Property that identified drill targets for follow-up.  This study analyzed structure, lithology, primary pathfinders (gold, silver, copper), and secondary pathfinders (arsenic, cobalt, cadmium, molybdenum, nickel, lead, sulphur, tungsten, and zinc).  This study identified three general target areas (North and South Cossette area, Spirit Lake area, and Northwest area) as well as specific targets within these general target areas.  It also identified four additional targets outside of these three general targets.


Emergent believes Treceson is a property of merit requiring additional exploration work.  The potential exists to define gold mineral resources, subject to exploration success, that could potentially be developed as a satellite deposit for milling operation located in the nearby Val d'Or Mining Camp.  Note that no mineral resources or reserves have yet been defined on the Property. â€‹â€‹â€‹


In 2012, Knick completed an NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Trecesson Property (see link below) summarizing the results of work they did in 2011.  This Report is linked below and is provided for information purposes only.  The report is considered historical in nature and Emergent's geologists have not verified the information in it.  However, it does provide information on historic exploration on the Property, up to the time of its writing, and is a useful guide for current exploration activities.




David Watkinson, P.Eng., a non-independent Qualified Person and employee of Emergent Metals Corp. has reviewed and approved the technical information provided on this webpage.  Please review the Disclaimer webpage for additional information.

© 2024 by Emergent Metals Corp. 

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